
E.g., 14/09/2024
E.g., 14/09/2024
03/04/2023 - 13:17 h

Average noise reduction of three decibels in areas with high noise levels

Environment and sustainability. The measures applied have reduced noise levels by between 1 and 5 dBA, with an average of drop of 3 decibels.

02/04/2023 - 10:38 h

Eight large facilities to get solar panelling to generate green energy

2030 Agenda. The new installations are part of the MES Barcelona project and speed up the energy transition in the city.

31/03/2023 - 14:24 h

More greenery, public housing and space for residents with the transformation of the Mercedes-Benz factory

Urban planning and infrastructures. The document is based on the initial criteria from the agreement signed with the site’s developer and includes demands made by local people.

31/03/2023 - 12:49 h

Montjuïc trade fair site reconceived by and for local people

Urban planning. The update to the current urban plan will adapt current uses at the site to meet the needs of local neighbourhoods, with more public housing, facilities and green zones.

30/03/2023 - 17:04 h

Green light for the project to transform Ronda Sant Antoni

Urban planning. Work should get under way at the end of the summer.

30/03/2023 - 16:37 h

Record figures for selective waste collection in the metropolitan area

Environment and sustainability. A total of 577,000 tonnes was collected last year, representing 39.4% of all waste generated, an increase of 1.1% compared to 2021.

Superilla de Sant Antoni.
28/03/2023 - 17:43 h

More resilient against the climate crisis with 96% of measures completed or under way

Climate emergency. Three years on from the Climate Emergency Declaration, 31 municipal measures have now been completed and 46 are under way.

28/03/2023 - 14:32 h

How is La Marina del Prat Vermell being transformed?

Urban planning and infrastructures. The neighbourhood will be a hub for community life and economic activity connected to the city.

Zona verda amb arbres i gespa assecada
28/03/2023 - 12:32 h

How do drought measures affect the city’s parks and gardens?

Drought. Trees and plants get subsistence watering but grass could go brown.

27/03/2023 - 16:21 h

First major facilities at La Model put out to tender

Urban planning and infrastructures. The facilities are the Escola Xirinacs, the sports hall, the centralised system to generate and distribute power and the memorial space.
