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Subsidies for organisations providing care for cat colonies

10/01/2023 - 10:40 h

The subsidy call is now open for organisations which control and provide care for cat colonies. The call has a budget of 160,000 euros. Applications should be made via the municipal subsidy website before 6 February.

The subsidies awarded by the Office for the Protection of Animals are aimed at non-profit organisations based in or with a delegation in Barcelona.

The model for stable collaboration with organisations allows for the provision of care for cat colonies, the sterilisation of feral cats from colonies and their adoption by specialist organisations. There are currently 13 organisations managing cat populations within the framework of this municipal programme, with 620 controlled colonies and nearly 7,000 cats.

New call for 2023

This year’s subsidy call takes into account the project presented, the extent to which it is rooted in the local area and the organisation’s experience in the area where work is planned with the cat population, as well as the network of volunteers which can be accredited by organisations. Other scoring factors include actions to promote coexistence between species and the biodiversity which can be achieved by the organisation.

The call covers eleven areas in the city (the ten districts and Zona Franca). Organisations interested in applying are obliged to participate in at least two areas and must present a project for each area.

Activities which may be subsidised are divided into four areas:

  • Sterilisation of cats
  • Basic and urgent veterinary costs
  • Care of the environment and infrastructures at colonies
  • Costs relating to the transfer of cats where colonies are closed down, transfer between colonies or for veterinary visits.

Full information on the call, with all requisites and rules, can be found on the municipal subsidy website.