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Barcelona wins an award for its track record in best biodiversity practices

19/06/2024 - 14:46 h

The city of Barcelona has been recognised for its overall track record in the Local Good Practices for Biodiversity Awards, within the framework of the 12th General Assembly of the Local Governments + Biodiversity Network.

The Local Governments Network + Biodiversity network, which is part of the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP), held its 12th general assembly on 19 June, where the organisation’s track record in questions related to best biodiversity practices in the city of Barcelona was recognised.

Now in their fourth year, the Local Biodiversity Practices Awards recognise the municipalities and provincial councils that have implemented the best initiatives the conservation of natural spaces, and in protecting and increasing biodiversity. Having won awards in three of the four editions, Barcelona is now receiving recognition for its overall track record. 

In the first edition, the city won the water environment award for the management of the city’s reservoirs with a view to conserving biodiversity, and was one of the runners up in the biodiversity and economic promotion category with the Pla del verd i de la biodiversitat (2012-2020). In the second edition it won the prize for raising public awareness for the Barcelona Biodiversity Atlas and the Atles dels ocells nidificants de Barcelona, and was a runner up in the fauna category with the Project for the Conservation of Birds in Buildings and Urban Structures, and in the fourth edition , the Catalan capital won the first prize in the biodiversity and economic promotion category for the Pla natura 2030, and was a runner up in the fauna category for the launch of the Urban Butterfly Monitor Scheme (uBMS).

The aim of the Local Governments + Biodiversity Network is to create a stable framework that encourages and supports the adoption of policies, plans and programmes for the conservation and promotion of biodiversity, the protection of the water environment, the restoration of degraded natural areas, the improvement of ecological connectivity and the safeguarding of ecosystems.