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Energy production forms part of the revamp to the Ronda de Dalt

16/09/2020 - 12:00 h

Work is under way on the three pergolas with solar panelling in the new public space created in January, on top of the new roof section where the ring road passes through the Vall d’Hebron neighbourhood. The work will take until December and entails an investment of 1.7 million euros, rounding off a new 200-metre-long pedestrian area with an overall surface area of 3,800 square metres. The new area helps reduce the urban barrier represented by the ring road and improves quality of life of local people.

The urban remodelling project and roof over this section of the Ronda de Dalt ring road, between the neighbourhoods of Sant Genís dels Agudells and La Teixonera, includes the creation of a 200-metre-long linear space with 3,800 square metres of surface area for local people, with areas to relax in, children’s games and a multi-purpose square. Three pergolas are also to be erected with solar panelling to generate energy, following on from the already-completed first stage.

The solar panelling will have a 50 kW power potential, generating around 75,600 kWh, equivalent to the energy consumption of 33 households. The energy produced will be injected into the power grid to help make the latter greener, in other words introducing clean energy to help cut greenhouse gas emissions associated with energy produced from non-renewable fossil fuels. The clean energy from this production facility should help the network save 27,540 kg in equivalent CO2.

The solar panelling started being installed in September and is expected to start operating during the first quarter of 2021.

Solar energy to combat the climate crisis

The introduction of solar panelling into urban renewal projects in the city is one of the goals associated with the declaration of the climate emergency, as generating clean local energy is a key factor in combatting the current climate crisis. To this end, the City Council has produced various instructions aimed at sustainability in works, including solar panelling in municipal projects implemented in public space.

The goal is to capitalise on all the opportunities available to generate energy in public spaces. Projects such as the Espai Barça, the Colònia Castells, Cristóbal de Moura and Pi i Margall also include this type of production system as a sustainable urban solution which, besides providing shade in public spaces in the city, generates locally produced renewable energy.

At the same time, the City Council has a programme to promote the generation of solar energy, the goal being to make use of rooftops, terraces and public spaces in the city to generate energy and increase the current energy potential of this type by 20%. The programme involves the selection of spaces in the city which already have pergolas and where energy generation systems can be installed. Examples of where this has already been done include C/ Joan Cortada and the Pont de Sarajevo. Work will soon begin on others, such as the one in Plaça de Pilar Miró.

All energy production systems in public spaces and at municipal facilities can be found on this map.