Drought warning:

alert stage of the drought protocol activated.

Activities Procedures

NOTE: The structure for administrative involvement resulting from the consultation of an activity and/or installation carried out, may be amended in the Final Approval of the Amendment to Annexes of the OMAIIAA. The regulation is currently at the Initial Approval stage. Consult the document.

License/press activities: Information about the type of permit required to develop an activity, and the possibility to print the request for activities in reporting regime.

Status of records for licensing activities: The procedure allows to consult the status of the record for licensed activities.

Check out the PEUAT Census Activities: New search tool has been developed to check:

To check out the associated documentation to the Special Tourist Accommodation Plan (PEUAT), you can go to the Planning, Qualifications and Agreements Search Engine, where you will also find this census.

The plan has entered into force on March 6 with its publication in the Official Gazette of the Province of Barcelona (BOPB).