It is a space set up in a festive or leisure context to raise public awareness and deal with cases of LGBTI-phobic and gender-based violence.

It is staffed by people who carry out preventive tasks (awareness-raising, giving information), providing immediate assistance and activating the necessary resources in a festive context. It provides communication and prevention materials accessible to the public, and it is a place where situations of violence can be reported, protocols can be activated, and other needs arising from possible assaults can be addressed. 
A Punt Lila has a fixed location in a public place and is identified as such. You can get information there, and it has a diverse and inclusive range of materials and information on gender-based violence.

It may also take the form of two people walking around. They go around the festive site and neighbouring streets and, in that way, carry out the tasks of the Punt Lila. They constitute a link coordinated at all times with the fixed point.

As these points are located where there is a festive event, they are not permanent services; they are only available on the dates and at the times of the festive event they serve. 

Training and resources at your fingertips



The training of the people who are raising awareness and giving information to the public is essential.

Acces training


The dissemination and awareness material that you can have at the purple point must be useful to publicize municipal services and care organizations.

Acces resources