Useful materials

The dissemination and awareness-raising material available at Punt Lila should be useful for publicising the municipal services and organisations that provide care and support for women and the LGTBI community in situations of gender violence. 

You can download these bifold leaflets on Feminist and LGBTI services here:

Reference documents, legislation, documents and websites

You will find reference documents in this section, as well as current legislation useful for learning more and broadening your knowledge of sexual and gender-based violence. 

Download the easy guide to purple dots

Legislations and reference documents

Training activities from a gender perspective

Legislations and reference documents

Torre Jussana

The Torre Jussana Space is a service of the Barcelona City Council intended to provide continued support to the various forms of associationism in the city.

Legislations and reference documents


Resource Center for Youth Associations of Barcelona. Service intended for associations and groups of young people in the city managed by the Barcelona Youth Council.

Legislations and reference documents

Organization of a purple point(PDF 142.33 KB)

Legislations and reference documents

Thermometer of sexual and gender violence

Legislations and reference documents

Hospitals of reference in case of sexual assault

Hospital Clínic

Open 24 hours. Emergency services

+34 932 27 54 00

C. de Villarroel, 170, L'Eixample, 08036 Barcelona, Espanya

How to arrive

Hospital Universitari Vall d'Hebron

Open 24 hours · Emergency service

Pg. de la Vall d'Hebron, 119, Horta-Guinardó, 08035 Barcelona, Espanya

How to arrive