International Women’s Day or Working Women’s Day is held every year on 8 March and is recognised by the United Nations as a day of protest against sexism and inequality in rights and opportunities between men and women.
The date of 8 March harks back to several one-off events: the 1857 North American women textile workers’ strike and the fire at the Cotton factory, and the fire at the North American Triangle Shirtwaist Company in New York on 25 March 1911, where 149 people died, mostly women, many of whom were very poor immigrants who had been working in gruelling conditions. International Women’s Day originates from the large-scale protests that ensued.
Today, the Barcelona Womens Council is joining the 8 March Commission call for a feminist strike. Under the slogan “ENS ATUREM PER CANVIAR-HO TOT. CAP PAS ENRERE” [We're stopping to change it all. Not one step backwards], everyone is invited to join a strike called in different countries around the world as a care-work, consumption, production work, education and civil disobedience strike in protest against inequality and violence towards women in these areas. The 8 March Comission has called for a protest march in Barcelona starting at 6.30 pm.
There is also a series of protest events being organised in Barcelona, besides the feminist strike, which you can find out about on this website.
'8 de març Dia Internacional de les Dones’: Conferència "Grècia: molt més que donzelles en perill"
- When:
- 20/03/2025
- Where:
- Centre Cívic Can Verdaguer
- Carrer de Piferrer 94*100 (Nou Barris)
- 932768077
Barcelona Districte Cultural - Cicle 'Escena': Espectacle "De perras y criadas"
- When:
- 28/03/2025
- Where:
- Centre Cívic Trinitat Vella
- Carrer de la Foradada 36*38 (Sant Andreu)
- 933457016

8 de març. Dia Internacional de les Dones: Converses entre veïnes
- When:
- Del 11/03/2025 al 13/03/2025
- Where:
- Centre Cívic del Besòs i el Maresme
- Rambla de Prim 87*89 (Sant Martí)
- 932564901
Barcelona City Council leaves the social network X
27/01/2025 - 07:59
City Council. All municipal accounts on X have been deactivated, with the exception of @bcn_ajuntament.
Voting process now open to choose the best project from candidates for the 8 March Award - Maria Aurèlia Capmany 2021
17/05/2021 - 09:50
Award. 8 March Award 2021: Voting process for the public award now open.
Solid commitment to break the precariousness that affects women
07/03/2025 - 13:28
8M, International Women's Day. Municipal motivation to keep moving forwards in innovative and transformational feminist policies.
Let’s break precariousness this 8M
03/03/2025 - 18:51
8M International Women's Day. The city rallies to mark International Women’s Day with a wide array of activities in districts, neighbourhoods and facilities.