A lifelong resident of El Clot, she was a tireless neighbourhood activist committed to grassroots cooperative work. In 1975 she founded the El Clot - Camp de l'Arpa Residents Association, of which she was a member until the end of her days. With the association, she demanded basic services and improvements in the conditions of working-class neighbourhoods such as El Clot. Apart from her activism, she loved nature and hiking in the hills, joining the rambling association Unió Excursionista de Catalunya (UEC) in Gràcia at a very young age. She also served in the Unified Socialist Party of Catalonia (PSUC) during the 1970s.

The gardens in memory of Joana Tomàs i Sabaté can be found next to the Clot metro L1 stop, on C/ València.

Barcelona 1933 – 1982 ID 6828

An indefatigable neighbourhood activist committed to grassroots cooperative work; she founded the Residents’ Association of Clot - Camp de l’Arpa, to which she devoted much of her life.