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Architectural plans for the La Sagrera station

Besides being an infrastructure project, the La Sagrera station and linear park project is a project for building the city. The criteria for it include connecting the Sant Martí and Sant Andreu neighbourhoods (historically separated by the railway tracks), creating a large green space, promoting a diversity of uses and economic activities in the surrounding area, regenerating social and urban space and driving a new development model based on sustainability.

Barcelona City Council wanted to involve local residents from the surrounding area so they set up a committee that main neighbourhood associations take part in. The committee has discussed and collected proposals regarding the planning amendments put forward, the linear park project, the criteria for development and public space around the park, mobility in the area round the project and other issues. It has also monitored the work on the High-Speed Line (LAV) to the French border and the work to cover the tracks.

The priorities are to resume work on the La Sagrera station, build the Sant Andreu Comtal station, plan and prioritise the neighbourhood facilities and press ahead with possible development projects around the railway tracks, pending the work to cover them build the park.

Participatory structure and players involved

A Monitoring Committee meets every six months to ensure the smooth implementation of the project. It is made up by the following associations:

Barcelona Federation of Residents Associations (FAVB), Bon Pastor RA, La Sagrera RA, Navas RA, Sant Andreu de Palomar RA, Sant Andreu Nord FA, Sant Andreu Sud RA, Verneda Alta RA, Sant Andreu Residents' Platform, Union of Communities of Sant Martí Property Owners (UCPSM), Sant Martí de Provençals RA, La Maquinista RA, Apropa't Association. The residents' 4 technical advisers are also taking part in the process.

The associations involved in the Working Group, which meets every two months, are:

FAVB, Bon Pastor RA, Verneda Alta RA, Sant Andreu Sud RA, La Sagrera RA and Sant Andreu de Palomar RA, although other representatives attend it, depending on the issues dealt with.