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New social discount on electricity for people affected by Covid-19

New social discount on electricity for people affected by Covid-19

Basic supplies. The Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge (MITECO) established a new regime on 1 October last year for the social discount on electricity, to protect vulnerable consumers affected by the pandemic.

In the period from the declaration of the state of emergency to 30 September, supply companies were prohibited from cutting off water, gas or electricity to households, the direct discount on electricity bills for vulnerable consumers was extended and greater flexibility was introduced for managing utility supply services,

As from 1 October last year, and with the goal of furthering support measures and protecting people in vulnerable situations as a result of the pandemic, a new scenario has been created for consumers to be classified as vulnerable and be able to access the social discount for electricity.

The main change is that a declaration of responsibility by the person whose name the bills are in is now sufficient to be entitled to the benefit. This means any household who needs the social discount can get it immediately.

The measure will remain in place until 30 June 2021 At that point, the Spanish government will be in possession of data on incomes in 2020 and the responsibility declaration will not be needed. From then on, people will be able to get the social discount according to the requisites currently established.


Vulnerable consumer

The status of “vulnerable consumer” means entitlement to a 25% discount on electricity bills and applies to anybody living in a household where one or more members fulfils the following requisites:

  • Unemployed
  • Out of work as part of a temporary lay-off programme or working reduced hours to be able to care for others
  • In similar circumstances which mean a substantial loss of income in the case of business owners

This scenario replaces and broadens the exceptional measures to make the social discount available to self-employed workers who ceased their economic activity at some time after 14 March 2020, when the Royal Decree declaring the state of emergency came into effect.

Entitlement to the benefit is also extended to self-employed workers who, after the state of emergency was declared, saw their turnover drop by at least 75% in the month before applying for the social discount, compared to their average turnover for the previous six months.


Income limit

In all these cases, entitlement to the social discount means the income of household members in the month before applying for the benefit must be:

  • 1.5 times the IPREM minimum income index for 14 monthly payments, in cases where the applicant is not part of a family unit or there is no minor in the family unit (11,279 euros)
  • 2 times the IPREM minimum wage index for 14 monthly payments, in cases where there is a minor in the family unit (15,039 euros)
  • 2.5 times the IPREM minimum wage index for 14 monthly payments, in cases where there are two minors in the family unit (18,799 euros)


Access to the social discount

People who meet the conditions to get the social discount must provide a declaration of responsibility (included with the application form) stating their situation, or that of a household member, along with the household income.

Once the electricity company receives the application and the declaration, they must ensure both documents have been completed correctly and inform the applicant of the result of their request by email (or by phone if this was chosen as the means of communication).


Validity of the new social discount

The right to the social discount ends when the beneficiary no longer meets the requisites for entitlement. The user is obliged to communicate this the electricity company within one month at the most.

In any event, the new scenario means the right to the social discount will end on 30 June 2021, even though beneficiaries can continue the entitlement thereafter if they meet the requisites.

All other cases offering entitlement to the social discount for consumers in vulnerable or severely vulnerable situations or at risk of social exclusion remain valid. Any user, at any time, can apply for it by submitting the corresponding documents.