
Sexual violence in childhood and adolescence [Es]. Sexual violence in childhood and adolescence [Es] . Open in a new window
Barcelona City Council is promoting a whole series of initiatives and programmes with the aim of preventing and dealing with sexual violence among children and teenagers.

Schools for equality
A programme for preventing abusive relationships, gender violence, racial discrimination and discrimination on the grounds of functional, sexual, gender, identity, sexual-orientation, ethnic, cultural and religious diversity, aimed at state and state-assisted schools in Barcelona.

Citizen Agreement for a Barcelona free of violence against women
Barcelona City Council's strategy of collaboration with civil society and citizens as a whole to tackle gender violence more effectively.

Don't shut up
Protocol for preventing, detecting and dealing with assaults and sexual harassment at music festivals, venues and concert halls.

Barcelona Circuit against Gender Violence
Inter-institutional collaboration project for providing a comprehensive, multi-disciplinary and cross-cutting approach to preventing and detecting gender violence and helping women and children experiencing it to recover and overcome it.