27/01/2023 - 12:26

Laia giants go on display at the Palau de la Virreina for Santa Eulàlia 2023

As ever, the female giants will be taking part in the ‘Passejada de les Laies’ procession and go on display at the Palau de la Virreina in the days leading up to 12 February.

21/01/2023 - 10:24

Barcelona hosts International Conference on “Feminist Politics: perspectives and challenges”

Barcelona hosts International Conference on “Feminist Politics: perspectives and challenges”

20/01/2023 - 13:11

Meeting to rethink types of masculinities in the Barcelona Fire Service

Safety and prevention. Open to the general public, the session features a talk from the writer and feminist and LGBTI+ activist Roy Galán.

18/01/2023 - 18:03

Barcelona LGBTI Centre turns four

LGBTI. Nearly 90,000 people have used the facility since 2019.

11/01/2023 - 17:04

Consolidation of the psychological support service for victims of human trafficking

Feminism and women. Some 40% of people attended to by the UTEH receive mental health treatment at the Hospital Universitari Vall d’Hebron.

General call for the Awarding of Susidies 2023
29/12/2022 - 13:41

Information session on the General Call for Subsidy Applications for 2023: Women's and LGBTI areas

Subsidies. Information session on Women’s and LGBTI areas

Taula rodona al Centre de masculinitats Plural
19/12/2022 - 15:48

The Plural Masculinities Centre attracts over 2,800 people

Feminism and women. The centre held 280 activity sessions in its first year.

29/11/2022 - 12:50

More resources to prevent sexual violence towards children

Feminism. The City Council signs a funding agreement with PrevenSI, the organisation to combat child sexual abuse.

25/11/2022 - 10:00

Complete redesign for the Women and Sport website

The Barcelona Institute of Sports opts for a complete revamp to all digital communication geared towards the visibility, promotion and fostering of the women’s sport network in Barcelona.