Drought warning:

alert stage of the drought protocol activated.

Documentation and agreements

Debate and informative sessions:

Informative Session (29/03/2023):

Work session (31/01/2023):

Feedback session (23/11/2022).

Informative session (09/11/2022)

Informative session (08/11/2022)

Debate and informative session 13/07/2022:

Participation Desk

Session 24/03/2022:


Session 23/03/2021:


Session 27/01/2020:


Session 05/07/2018:


Session 02/07/2018:


Session 10/05/2018:


Session 23/01/2018:


Session 19/10/2017:


Session 04/07/2017:


Session 10/11/2016:


Session 12/05/2016:


Session 19/11/2015:


Monitoring committee

Sesson 02/07/2015: