Cinema, music, routes and theatre, at the Civic Centres for 8M

08/03/2023 - 07:00

More culture. Among the many activities we find the projection of 'Federica Montseny, la dona que parla', the representation of 'La dona que va cridar tant que va buidar' or the itinerary 'Wooden floors, glass ceilings'.

The city’s Civic Centres are offering an extensive programme related to 8 March, International Women’s Day. Some of these proposals have already taken place on the first days of the month, but most of them will arrive from 8M onwards.

Here you will find everything from music to cinema, theatre, routes, workshops and activities for all the family. Let’s start with music, as the Civic Centres are programming up to 16 concerts on these days. You can listen to some of the pioneers of Barcelona’s electronic music scene, the Kassia Quartet with a recital to disseminate and vindicate little-known works by female composers, or the Moana Quartet, which also aims to raise awareness of forgotten and neglected composers such as Maria Theresa Von Paradise, Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel and Emily Mayer.

The commented itineraries planned are also numerous. For example, on 9 March, the Pere Pruna Civic Centre is proposing the free route Wooden floors, glass ceilings, which traces the history of the ladies of Sarrià, from Queen Elisenda de Montcada to the writer Carme Karr. Two days later, the Trinitat Vella Civic Centre, together with the Association for Research and Dissemination of the Historical Memory of Trinitat Vella, is organising a visit to learn about the history of the Trinitat Vella Women’s Prison. Or on 18 March, the Sarrià Civic Centre invites you to go on an itinerary that passes through different points where women were protagonists in the course of the Civil War, reconstructing an unpublished view of the conflict.

If you prefer to watch a fiction film or a documentary, at different venues and on different days you can watch Frederica Montseny, la dona que parla, by Laura Mañá, a film that narrates the dilemma of the first woman to hold a ministerial post in Spain. On the 16th, the Ateneu Fort Pienc Civic Centre will be screening The Killers, a 1946 film directed by Robert Siodmark and starring Ava Gardner and Burt Lancaster. The same centre, but on the 23rd, will be showing the film Lady Macbeth, directed by William Oldroyd and based on a novel by Nikolai Leskov.

Those who love the performing arts will also have something to choose from. From Valkiries, at the La Casa Elizalde Civic Centre on 9 March, a short story that ironically criticises the dance profession and the stereotypical things women do, to La dona que va cridar tant que es va buidar, at the Bon Pastor Civic Centre on 10 March, with four protagonists who convey the fears, insecurities and dreams of a whole generation of young women who are looking for their place in this uncertain world.

Different workshops, such as critical theatre with a social conscience or on women scientists, and family activities, such as storytelling or performances of adaptations of classic stories, complete the programme of the civic centres.

More information, here.