Specific cleaning treatments
Some teams are tasked with carrying out specific street cleaning operations, such as removing chewing gum and stains from the pavement and spray paint, graffiti, stickers and posters from the façades of buildings and street furniture. Barcelona also has a special service for episodes of snowfall and cold snaps.
Special services for episodes of snowfall and cold snaps
Barcelona has a Municipal Emergency Plan for Snow and Ice (PAEM) included within the Generalitat de Catalunya's general NEUCAT plan, which foresees three phases depending on the meteorological conditions at the time:
- Alert phase: movement of the first teams to critical areas.
- Emergency 1: the teams begin to work as the snow starts to fall. This takes place primarily in the neighbourhoods located above the Ronda de Dalt.
- Emergency 2: Widespread snowfall across the city entailing the activation of all available resources.
When the cold snap alert is activated, the cleaning services in the northern area are repurposed. These then start spreading salt to prevent ice from forming on the roads.
There are 113 salt containers distributed around the city to be used by residents and private individuals (in the districts of Les Corts, Gràcia, Sarrià-Sant Gervasi, Horta-Guinardó and Nou Barris; in the mountain neighbourhoods and in healthcare centres) as well as 590 tonnes stored for the use of municipal employees. The PAEM for Snow and Ice also entails the mobilisation of all Urban Ecology services.
Cleaning of chewing gum and stains on the pavement
A machine with pressurised hot water removes chewing gum that is stuck to the pavement.
Els xiclets enganxats al paviment són el residu que més costa de treure i el procediment és molt lent i delicat. Les màquines de treure xiclets tiren aigua calenta a molt alta pressió per desenganxar-los, d'un en un i llavors es quan es poden treure del paviment. A més de per treure xiclets, aquestes màquines també s'utilitzen per netejar taques de greix o la brutícia al voltant dels contenidors. En el centre de la ciutat és on més es troben i periòdicament es planifiquen actuacions per eliminar-los.
Cleaning of the vertical walls inside tunnels
A machine scrapes the walls inside tunnels to improve visibility.
Les calçades dels túnels s’escombren de forma recurrent de forma mecànica (únicament amb vehicle i conductor). La neteja integral del túnel es realitza de forma coordinada amb les altres tasques de manteniment, i s’aprofita el tall de circulació per a poder actuar-hi.