Manual collection
Some unique areas of Barcelona, such as old towns, commercial areas or areas where it is particularly difficult to place bins or access with vehicles, have a daily manual collection model for organic and general waste. Separated waste belonging to other categories (packaging, paper and cardboard and glass) must be taken to the nearest corresponding street bins.
The special collection service in commercial areas is a way of differentiating and streamlining waste collection circuits. As this system also restricts the times at which waste can be taken out, it removes the chance of bins being full throughout the day.
Afecta a les fraccions
General waste
Àmbits geogràfics on està implantat
- Ciutat Vella:
Gòtic i Sant Pere - Eixample:
Quadrat d’Or - Diagonal
(Bailèn / Francesc Macià), només rebuig.