Old furniture and junk collection
The old furniture and junk collection service helps to ensure the proper collection of bulky household waste. For every street in Barcelona, there is a specific day of the week on which residents can leave their old furniture and junk on the street for free collection.
In order to make proper use of this service, it is important to leave the furniture in front of the doorway between 8.00 p.m. and 10.00 p.m. on the day of the week stipulated in the calendar. To find out which day corresponds to each street, you can check the Procedure Portal, call the freephone number 010 or call the Civic Behaviour Phoneline at (+34) 900 226 226.
What kinds of objects are collected?
Sofas, doors, furniture, chairs, wooden boxes and slats and broken blinds or toys, amongst other things.
What kinds of objects are NOT collected?
Rubble, toilets or similar objects if work has been carried out in the household. Refrigerators, freezers or air conditioners with CFCs should be taken to the Green Point in order to protect the environment.
Recollida de pagament
Per a grans volums de mobles i trastos vells, també disposeu d'un servei de pagament de dilluns a divendres que s'encarrega de la recollida a domicili en menys de 36 hores. Aquest servei el poden utilitzar els particulars, els comerços, les oficines i els petits industrials. El podeu sol·licitar a l'Oficina Virtual de Tràmits.
Aquest servei és gratuït per a les persones que disposin de certificat acreditatiu de discapacitat, i també per a les persones amb dificultat de moviment que no tinguin ningú per baixar els mobles i que així ho acreditin.