Tips for waste prevention at school
Schools and colleges are places where children spend a large part of their day. At these institutions, even the most routine activity can be a good opportunity to instil good habits and transmit useful knowledge.
In the classroom
In schools and colleges, the classroom is the place where most materials are used: pens, pencils, sheets of paper, notebooks, calculators, etc. By following the tips listed below, you will be able to generate much less waste.
- Before buying new material, look at what you have in stock and check the condition of material from the previous school year to see if any of it can be reused. When you need to buy new products, opt for eco-labelled materials and those that appear to be more robust.
- Use refillable pens and pencils. When ink cartridges run out, don’t throw them away. Instead, you can reuse them and use them over and over again.
- Use solar-powered calculators. These last for many years and do not require batteries.
- For notebooks and loose sheets, write on both sides of the paper. Save used sheets of paper to write down notes, make drafts, etc.
- If you need to submit a hard copy of a project, always print on both sides of the paper. When you print, be sure to do so in draft mode. You’ll use half as much paper and save on printer ink.
In the dining room
The dining room is a shared space where students generate a large part of the waste produced at schools, particularly organic matter.
- Deposit waste in the bins that correspond to each category (organic matter, packaging/recyclables, paper and cardboard, glass and general waste). If waste is unavoidable, you must separate it into categories for recycling.
- Try to use sustainable and reusable products in these spaces, such as cloths instead of paper towels.
- Use glasses, metal trays, ceramic plates and metallic cutlery. If you avoid single-use materials, you can reuse them as many times as you like.
- Drink water from the tap or from a drinking fountain. By doing this, you will consume less packaging and greatly reduce plastic waste.
- Don't waste food. Only take the amount of food that you need to be full, making sure that it doesn’t end up in the bin.
In the playground
The playground is the place where most students spend their break and lunch times. We must all act responsibly and keep the space clean, so that all students can continue to enjoy it.
- Bring your food in reusable packaging or a tupperware box. You will generate much less waste and can use them as many times as you like.
- Deposit waste in the bins that correspond to each category (organic matter, packaging/recyclables, paper and cardboard, glass and general waste). If waste is unavoidable, you must separate it into categories for recycling.
In the bathroom
By following a few very simple tips, you can ensure that the school toilet is a waste-free zone.
- Buy large bottles of liquid hand soap and refill the dispensers when they are empty.
- Don’t use paper to dry your hands. There are alternative ways to dry your hands, such as towels and air dryers, which do not generate any waste.
- Put a bin in the bathroom for sanitary waste. Keep the space clean and refrain from throwing things into the toilet.