Green Point Network
Green Points are used to dispose of waste that cannot be deposited in the normal collection systems. When we dispose of waste in the various Green Points, we help to improve the recycling process and preserve the environment.
The city of Barcelona has a total of 134 Green Points, which are categorised as Area Green Points, Neighbourhood Green Points and Mobile Green Points.
Neighbourhood Green Points
Neighbourhood Green Points are environmental facilities that are smaller than the Area Green Points, and which are found within the urban plan of the city. They are designed to allow citizens to dispose of smaller amounts of household waste.
What can be taken there?
Clothing, footwear, ink cartridges, toners, electric and electronic devices, cooking oil, electric cables, small tyres, aerosols and sprays, car batteries, cosmetics, x-rays, batteries, engine oil, paints and varnishes, fluorescent tubes and light bulbs, single-use coffee capsules (plastic and aluminium) etc.
What can NOT be taken there?
Special industrial waste, toxic and hazardous waste, sanitary waste, organic waste, vegetable waste, rubble, furniture and junk and wood waste.
Mobile Green Points
Mobile Green Points are lorries that fulfil all the functions of a Neighbourhood Green Point. To bring this service closer to the citizens, these lorries are found in different parts of the city at certain times. Citizens can dispose of the same waste at Mobile Green Points as they can at Neighbourhood Green Points.
What can be taken there?
Clothing, footwear, ink cartridges, toners, electric and electronic devices, cooking oil, electric cables, small tyres, aerosols and sprays, car batteries, cosmetics, x-rays, batteries, engine oil, paints and varnishes, fluorescent tubes and light bulbs, single-use coffee capsules (plastic and aluminium) etc.
What can NOT be taken there?
Special industrial waste, toxic and hazardous waste, sanitary waste, organic waste, vegetable waste, rubble, furniture and junk and wood waste.
Punt verd de zona
Els Punts Verds de Zona són instal·lacions mediambientals de grans dimensions ubicats a la perifèria de la ciutat. Estan especialment destinats al sector comercial i de serveis, tot i que els particulars també en poden fer servei gratuïtament.
Què s’hi pot portar?
Vidre pla, electrodomèstics grans, restes de poda i jardineria, runa, trastos vells i mobles, roba, calçat, cartutxos de tinta, tòners, aparells elèctrics i electrònics, olis de cuina, cables elèctrics, pneumàtics petits, aerosols i esprais, bateries de cotxe, cosmètics, radiografies, piles, olis de motor, pintures i vernissos, fluorescents i bombetes, càpsules de cafè monodosi (plàstic i alumini), etc.
Què no s’hi pot portar?
Residus industrials especials, tòxics i perillosos, residus sanitaris i residus orgànics.
Green Point user card
The Green Point user card is linked to the household's water supply contract and enables discounts to be obtained for waste management charges.
Since it is linked to the household, it can be used by anyone who lives in the same abode.
It can be requested from staff at the Green Points and is totally free.
Which discounts can I obtain?
- Up to 14% of the fee for the collection of municipal waste generated in private households.This ranges from 1% for two uses of green points a year to 14% for 15 or more uses per year.
- Up to 14% of the metropolitan waste treatment fee (TMTR).
- Both fees are included and are paid as part of the water bill.
Where and how can I request it?
- You can request the card at any Green Point by bringing the original version or a photocopy of the water supply contract or a water utility bill containing the holder’s details (name and surname, tax number [NIF], address and telephone number).
- On the Barcelona Metropolitan Area's website.