On 03/12, the emergency vehicle service will be located in Sant Vicenç square in Sarrià from 8:00 to 9:45 am and from 10:15 am to 12:00 pm, due to the celebration of an event for the International Day of Persons with Disabilities.

Door-to-door collection in Sarrià

  1. All waste types are collected on a door-to-door basis except for glass, which must continue to be placed in street bins designated for this material.
  2. There are two different schedules: one for households and another for shops and businesses in the area.
  3. A roving emergency collection vehicle will pass by on the days when no waste collection is scheduled.

Household waste collection

Sarrià's selective door-to-door waste collection system is implemented every day following an established calendar and timetable. Different types of waste are collected on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. On the other days of the week, waste can be brought on an exceptional basis to the Complementary Waste Collection Areas. This system ensures that, on three days a week, the streets are left waste-free.

How do I leave the waste?

Waste must be left in front of the doorway between 8 p.m. and 10 p.m., as per the waste collection calendar.

Cada fracció s’ha de treure ben separada i seguint les indicacions següents:



Els residus orgànics s’han de treure els dilluns, dimecres, divendres i diumenges, sempre dins el cubell de 20 l i dins una bossa compostable.
El cubell es pot treure amb més d’una bossa.
Es pot utilitzar qualsevol bossa, sempre que sigui compostable.
És obligatori recollir el cubell abans de les 10 hores del matí.
El cubell airejat que s’entrega amb el kit és per dipositar-hi els residus a la cuina i evitar la mala olor i els lixiviats.



Els reciclables s’han de treure els dimecres i els diumenges dins d’una bossa groga homologada.
Els reciclables són la fracció dels envasos ampliada. Hi pots dipositar, a més, qualsevol element de plàstic o metall. Consulta l’apartat Com hem de separar els residus.



El paper i el cartró s’han d’aportar els divendres a granel, dins una bossa o caixa de cartró, mai en bossa de plàstic.



El vidre s’ha de seguir dipositant als contenidors del carrer, com sempre sense taps ni xapes i mai en bossa de plàstic.



El rebuig, és a dir, tot allò que no es pot reciclar, s’ha d’aportar els dilluns amb les bosses homologades de color gris.



Els residus sanitaris s’han de treure els dilluns, dimecres, divendres i diumenges, amb una bossa opaca amb una etiqueta que digui “Residus Sanitaris”. Descarrega’t el model d’etiqueta.

Commercial collection

Commercial collection is a system that only affects the shops located in the old town of Sarrià’s shopping hub, bordered by Passatge Senillosa, Carrer Major de Sarrià and Plaça Sarrià. This collection model functions separately from the new door-to-door system.

  • Organic and general waste collection: daily.
  • Paper and cardboard collection: three times a week (Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday).

Barriers are installed to prevent misuse of the communal bins. Shops outside of this shopping hub that generate recyclable waste (plastics and small metals) will be given yellow bags, just like the local residents, which will be collected on Wednesdays and Sundays.

Please refer to the waste collection regulations for businesses and economic activities in the Commercial Waste Collection section.

Emergency collection

Emergency collection areas provide an alternative way of handing over waste products.

This complementary service will be carried out on days when no collection is scheduled (Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays). The service will run during the mornings.

The service consists of a roving collection vehicle that circulates at different times and around different locations:

  • 08:00 a 08:50 h. - Crossroad between Carrer de Fontcoberta and Carrer de Bonaplata
  • 09:00 a 09:50 h. - Placeta de Can Garriga
  • 10:30 a 12:00 h. - Plaça Sant Vicenç de Sarrià
  • 12:15 a 13:45 h. - Plaça Consell de la Vila

How do I separate the waste?


The following can be deposited in these bins:

Food waste, egg and nut shells, corks, tea bags, coffee grounds, dirty kitchen paper and napkins, garden waste, etc.

The following can NOT be deposited in these bins:

Dust and hair, which go in the general waste bins. Nappies and animal faeces can also be placed in the bag for general waste, but we recommend placing them in a black bag labelled "Sanitary Waste". Paper and cardboard should not be placed in these bins, either.



The following can be deposited in these bins:

Plastic bottles and bags, yoghurt pots, drinks cans, plastic-coated paper cartons, metal sheets, tin foil, cling film, polystyrene trays, plastic plates and cups, drawing pins, small metal buckets, paper clips, small metal cables, small pots and pans, cutlery, etc.



The following can be deposited in these bins:

Cardboard boxes and packaging, newspapers, magazines, notebooks (without the metal spiral), envelopes, paper bags, leaflets, wrapping paper, etc.



The following can be deposited in these bins:

Glass containers and bottles.

The following can NOT be deposited in these bins:

Broken glasses, panes of glass, mirrors, broken ceramic items, plates, light bulbs, fluorescent bulbs, etc.



The following can be deposited in these bins:

Cigarette butts, dust, used pencils, hair, etc.



The following can be deposited in these bins:

Nappies, sanitary pads and faeces. Pet litter can also be placed in these bins.

L’oficina del porta a porta

Atenció presencial:
Oficina d'Atenció a la Ciutadania de Sarrià-Sant Gervasi
Carrer d'Anglí, 31:

  •     Dimarts, de 10.00 a 13.00 h. (a l'OAC a la planta baixa)
  •     Dimarts i dimecres, de 17.00 a 19.30 h. (al Departament de Serveis a les Persones i Territori, al 1r pis).                                              

Dissabtes, diumenges i festius, tancat.

Atenció telefònica:
644 36 66 26

Buying bags

In order to correctly dispose of waste in the street, the Sarrià door-to-door bags must all be the same. These bags can be purchased in the following local establishments:

  • Supermercat Superservis (C. Major de Sarrià, 85)
  • Ferreteria J. Valls (C. Major de Sarrià, 83)
  • El Millor Preu (C. Major de Sarrià, 25)
  • L’Agrobotiga (C. Bonaplata, 5-7)

As additional businesses start selling these bags, this list will be extended and updated. The updated list will then be communicated to residents via the usual channels.


Once people who have recently moved to Sarrià appear on the neighbourhood’s register of residents, they can go and pick up the waste collection kit from the Sarrià neighbourhood's Green Point (Carrer Cardenal Sentmenat, 6), where they will be provided with the following material:

  • A 20-litre, airtight brown bin for leaving organic waste in the doorway.
  • A 10-litre, ventilated brown bin for separating out organic waste in the kitchen.
  • A packet of compostable bags for organic matter.
  • A packet of translucent yellow bags for recyclable waste.
  • A packet of translucent grey bags for general waste.
  • Stickers for identifying sanitary waste bags.
  • An information guide
  • A fridge magnet bearing a calendar and an explanation of how Sarrià's door-to-door selective waste collection system works.

Sarrià’s Green Point is open from Monday to Saturday, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. and from 4.30 p.m. to 7.30 p.m. Sunday and public holidays: closed

Web app porta a porta

La Web-app del porta a porta és un dels diferents canals de comunicació amb el servei per garantir l’atenció a les persones, la resolució de dubtes, la substituir materials d’aportació i que ajuda a disposar de tota la informació actualitzada. Aquesta eina promou la corresponsabilització i la transparència en la recollida dels residus porta a porta.

La web-app et permet accedir a tota la informació de servei, al calendari del porta a porta i a les teves dades de participació. També podràs conèixer el mapa de Punts Verds i establir contacte amb l’Oficina del Porta a Porta per gestionar les teves consultes.

Accedeix-hi i registra-t’hi

Hi pots accedir des de https://barcelonaportaaporta.wcity.app
Per registrar-t’hi  segueix aquests passos:

  1. A la pantalla inicial, prem NOU USUARI
  2. Completa les dades de registre
  3. Consulta el correu electrònic i valida el registre. Si no t’arriba el missatge, comprova que no hagi anat a la safata del correu brossa.
  4. Un cop validat el registre, torna a l’app i escriu el teu CODI DE REGISTRE. Aquest codi se’t va enviar per correu electrònic o SMS el dia de l’entrega del kit del porta a porta.


    • No. You can’t put out bags of organic waste without the brown bin, as these bags are made out of potato starch (compostable material). As such, there is a risk they could break and scatter the waste on the ground. By putting out the brown bin with the bags inside, we protect our streets from unnecessary filth, spills and smells.

    • The time for putting waste out anywhere in the city is from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. By respecting these times, we can all enjoy cleaner streets.

    • The goal of implementing this system is to increase the quantity and quality of selective waste collection, particularly in relation to organic waste. It also addresses the poor practice of leaving rubbish bags on the street at all hours.

    • Because first we want to see how much paper and cardboard people recycle to decide whether there is a need to distribute paper bags. This possibility is currently under consideration.

    • The frequency of collection for this type of waste is ideal for the vast majority of families. Organic waste inside a compostable bag doesn’t smell, and the airtight brown bin allows you to store several bags. Regarding sanitary waste, on the days when there is no collection, you can always take it to an emergency collection point.

    • The City Council first introduced selective waste collection at all homes many years ago, so recycling is not something new. Now the residents of Sarrià Vell find it easier because they don’t have to walk to the bins to throw their waste away. All they have to do is put it in front of their door on the right day and at the right time. The only container that remains is the green one, for glass.

    • The implementation of a new waste collection system makes it impossible to have another system at the same time. We can’t have two simultaneous waste systems as this would incur unnecessary costs.

    • Currently, there are no economic rewards for residents who do the right thing, but the option may be considered in the future.

    • First of all, we want to encourage relationships between neighbours so that everyone helps each other and works together. Also, you can always take the bag to the emergency collection points or the bins outside of the old town.

    • We want to encourage relationships between neighbours in this case too, so that everyone helps each other and works together. The City Council is also considering alternatives.

    • No. You must respect the waste collection times. By respecting these times, we can all enjoy cleaner streets.

    Door-to-door collection in Sarrià

    In 2018, door-to-door waste collection was introduced in the old town of Sarrià, specifically in the area between Passeig Bonanova, Via Augusta, Carrer Vergós, Carrer Vives i Tutó, Carrer Trinquet and Carrer Duquesa d'Orleans. It was considered the ideal neighbourhood to deploy the city's very first door-to-door waste collection system.

    This shift in waste collection model is down to Barcelona’s commitment to defining a strategy for tackling the climate crisis in a cross-cutting manner. This action plan entails, amongst other things, a shift to a consumption and waste model founded on shared responsibility. It has been shown that there is a ceiling to the open bin street collection system and that, in order to improve selective collection results, it is necessary to implement individualised models that allow us to monitor participation and to reward those who separate their waste correctly. The door-to-door model is one of the systems that, for the time being, gives the best results and can be better adapted to the characteristics of each neighbourhood.