Awareness-raising and prevention project (“Canviem-ho / Let’s change it”)

The awareness-raising and prevention project run by Plural, Barcelona City Council's masculinities centre, seeks to promote personal and social commitment from men to build a fairer and more just society for everyone.

Its initiatives are aimed at encouraging the population in general and men in particular to join in and commit themselves, actively and together with women, to bringing about an egalitarian society through the promotion of values, attitudes, forms of behaviour and relationships with respect and care. It also offers training initiatives and advice for service and organisation professionals who wish to enrich their interactions with men by including the gender perspective.

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image of lines of work

Lines of work

The project actions are organised into lines of work and are common to all activities. They are, however, adapted to the profile of the individuals they are targeted at and the reality of the services.

image of activities and training catalogue

Initiatives and training

The Prevention Project's initiatives and training are designed to work on skills that encourage city residents and professionals to build positive, open, plural, heterogeneous masculinities far removed from violence and inequalities.

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Network projects

Through Plural we take part in projects run by other city services to generate initiatives and joint programmes, as well as boost networking with the city’s institutional players so they can help us to boost work with young and adult males.  

How can I contact this service?

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  • Avinguda del Marquès de l’Argentera, 22, 08003 (Ciutat Vella) Barcelona
  • 933491610