• 25 Novembre Award 2024 Go to content

    19th. 25 november award 2024. "Barcelona, free, safe spaces"

    Projects can be submitted from 22 July to 13 September 2024.

    More info https://ajuntament.barcelona.cat/dones/sites/default/files/555x3702x_6_0.png
  • Care services against male violence towards women Go to content

    Are you experiencing gender violence? Do you suspect a woman you know is suffering from gender violence? Know what to do in each situation.

    More info https://ajuntament.barcelona.cat/dones/sites/default/files/baner_bcnantimasclista_eng.png
  • Night-life protocol against sexual harassment Go to content

    Prevention initiatives, guidelines for identifying harassment and support aimed at night-life venues for tackling sexual assaults and attacks.

    Més informació https://ajuntament.barcelona.cat/dones/sites/default/files/eng_wont_keep_quiet_apartat_0.png
  • Gender in numbers Go to content

    New website that offers an exhaustive range of data to provide a detailed and accurate insight into situations of gender inequality which exist in the city.

    More info https://ajuntament.barcelona.cat/dones/sites/default/files/genere_en_xifres_en_555x312.png
  • Feminist methodological booklets Go to content

    A collection of proposals and tools for drafting local feminist policies.

    More info https://ajuntament.barcelona.cat/dones/sites/default/files/ffqwgdixmaahvf6.jpg
  • Converses Feministes - March 23rd & 24th Go to content

    Auditori de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra

    More info https://ajuntament.barcelona.cat/dones/sites/default/files/converses_web-ajuntament_555x312px-1024x576_2.jpg
  • Tools to speed up detection of potential victims Go to content

    Detection guidelines aimed at professional staff and recommendations aimed at potential victims of human trafficking

    More info https://ajuntament.barcelona.cat/dones/sites/default/files/cpt_uteh_1920x1080_gb.png
  • Sisterhood? Glass ceiling? Go to content

    When speaking about feminism, do some words go over your head? Consult our glossary of terms.

    More info https://ajuntament.barcelona.cat/dones/sites/default/files/baner_eng_v2_0.jpg
  • This 8M: Breaking the glass ceiling Go to content

    As part of International Women’s Day, Barcelona City Council expresses its firm commitment to the feminist struggle to do away with the inequalities and discrimination women suffer simply for being women. On his occasion, the City Council is specifically calling for society to break down the limits women come up against in accessing jobs with more responsibility: we need to break the glass ceiling!

    More informatio https://ajuntament.barcelona.cat/dones/sites/default/files/frame_785.jpg
  • Would you like to be part of the women’s organisations mapping? Go to content

    The mapping contains most of the women’s organisations and feminist groups working for gender equality and carrying out a wide range of activities in Barcelona.

    More info https://ajuntament.barcelona.cat/dones/sites/default/files/mapaentitatsfeministesdones.jpeg
  • Schools for equality and diversity Go to content

    Get to know the program for the promotion of equality, equity and respect in children and adolescents from 3 to 16 years of the schools and institutes of Barcelona.

    More info https://ajuntament.barcelona.cat/dones/sites/default/files/escoles_banner_web_dones.jpg
  • Lidera Go to content

    Benchmark growth and networking environment for all women of Barcelona: professionals, managers and entrepreneurs.

    More info https://ajuntament.barcelona.cat/dones/sites/default/files/banner_555x312_ing.jpg
  • Equitest: Equality Self-Assessment Questionnaire Go to content

    A tool aimed at companies that wish to incorporate measures promoting equality between men and women.

    More info https://ajuntament.barcelona.cat/dones/sites/default/files/equitest_555_2.png