Conservation of flora and fauna
From the Collserola mountain range to the riverbanks and the sea, this city offers a great diversity of habitats for flora and fauna.
Parks, such as Montjuïc, Tres Turons or Ciutadella, act as a refuge for wildlife in the midst of the urban environment, where you can find a wide variety of plant and animal species.
Barcelona City Council, through the Municipal Institute of Parks and Gardens, works to protect this natural heritage by means of conservation programmes focusing on species and habitats, the creation of new habitats of interest and the application of gardening that respects the city's wild flora and fauna.
It is important to preserve these green spaces for the conservation of the natural community and the future of biodiversity in Barcelona.
Flora conservation and monitoring projects
Monitoring project for urban orchid populations.
Monitoring and control of invasive plants.
Rehabilitation and design of new parks and gardens to create habitats of interest for flora and fauna.
New management of areas of natural interest (ZINs) in woodland areas (Montjuïc, Tres Turons, Collserola, Rec Comtal and Besòs).
Barcelona's flora in figures
Species present in the urban area
Ornamental trees
Ornamental flora in parks and gardens
Urban herbs
Wildlife conservation and monitoring projects
Monitoring of amphibian populations in the city's ponds, lakes and naturalised basins, and support for populations with appropriate management of these urban aquatic ecosystems. The project is shared with BCASA (which manages the city's ornamental fountains, including its naturalised ponds) and Galanthus Natura.
Project to reintroduce the common hedgehog to the Montjuïc mountain. This is done in collaboration with Galanthus Natura.
Annual monitoring of native and feral bird populations in the city and calculation of indicators of the evolution of their population trends. This is done in collaboration with the Catalan Ornithological Institute.
Project for the conservation of birds nesting in buildings. It includes measures to make renovation work compatible with the presence of these species and promotes the integration of nests in new buildings.
Monitoring and support for the Peregrine Falcon population in the city of Barcelona. This is done in collaboration with Galanthus Natura.
Participation in the Catalan Butterfly Monitoring Scheme (CBMS) through two trails, one on Montjuïc and the other on Turó del Carmel. Creation of the citizen urban butterfly monitoring scheme (uBMS-CREAF) in Barcelona. Citizen-science butterfly counts in the parks and gardens of Barcelona.
A study of the odonates (dragonflies and damselflies) in the parks and gardens of Barcelona.
Naturalisation projects to create biodiversity shelters and attractive habitats for this purpose, as well as for feeding and nesting, for the animals forming part of the city's urban biodiversity.
Collaboratings organisations
Barcelona's fauna in figures
Species detected in the urban area
11 protected species
9 bats and 10 other mammals
Nesting birds
52 protected species
Birds observed
120 protected species
2 protected species
10 protected species
Sea slugs
Other spices
48 spiders
61 beetles
27 flies
32 snails
23 bees, wasps, ants
9 grasshoppers