Rules on the use of green spaces
The Barcelona Environment Byelaw lays down a set of regulations to, among other aims, maintain the quality of public spaces and look after and improve Barcelona's green spaces, as well as protecting and conserving the city's biodiversity.
Title 7, which governs GREEN SPACES AND BIODIVERSITY, regulates the implementation, maintenance, use and enjoyment of green spaces and biodiversity and their various elements.
The rules on the use of green spaces also include the regulations set forth in the Byelaw on measures to foster and ensure the peaceful coexistence of local residents in Barcelona's public spaces, as well as those of related strategic plans.
What do I need to know?
Upkeep of green spaces (both public or private)
NOTE: The Barcelona Municipal Institute of Parks and Gardens cannot issue regulations. This can only be done by Barcelona City Council. In addition, all procedures fall under Barcelona City Council's administrative procedures.