Municipal Allotment Network
Open call. Registration from March 18 to April 16.
Barcelona has 15 municipal allotments throughout the city’s ten districts. These allotments are divided into plots of between 20 and 40 m2 which are given to people aged 65 and over and not-for-profit organisations in the city.
The aim is to enable city residents to participate in activities that improve the environment by growing vegetables and following the principles of organic farming.
The programme was launched in 1997 with the Can Mestres allotments, although the first allotment in Barcelona was the Hort de l’Avi, in the Gràcia district, in 1986, thanks to a petition from local residents.
How can you participate in the municipal urban allotments?
To access the allotments, you must apply for a private urban allotment plot license in one of the urban allotments in Barcelona’s ten districts, managed by the Municipal Institute of Parks and Gardens of Barcelona, when the next application process opens.
The plots for people aged 65 and over are allocated through a draw, while the plots for organisations are allocated through a competition.
The conditions for participating in the draw for individuals are as follows:
- You must be 65 or over.
- You must have been registered as a resident in the district where the allotment plot is located for at least six months.
- Only one application per household is permitted.
- You must be physically able to work on the allotment.
- You must be up to date with the payment of all taxes and any other debts with Barcelona City Council.
If you previously had a plot from the Network of Urban Allotments, you are still eligible to apply.
People in this situation will be added to a list created by means of a draw. Once all first-time applicants have received a plot, plots will be assigned to individuals in the order they appear on the list.
The main conditions for taking part in the draw for organisations (legal persons) are as follows:
- They must be constituted as a not-for-profit organisation.
- They must have an office in the district where the urban allotment with the requested plot is located.
- The plot must be for users of the organisations’ services. The organisation must guarantee that a minimum of six people will participate at least once a week between October and May.
- The organisation must designate a contact person for the allotment project.
- The organisation must have civil liability and accident insurance covering both the organisation itself and all the people who will use the plot.
Fases del procediment
El període d’inscripció és del 18 de març al 16 d’abril de 2025, ambdós inclosos.
El 16 de maig de 2025 es publicarà la llista provisional de persones i entitats admeses. Es donarà un període de 10 dies per presentar les al·legacions.
El dia 5 de juny es publicarà:
- La llista definitiva de persones i entitats admeses.
- La data del sorteig de parcel·les.
Les dates previstes per a la resta del procediment són:
- Sorteig: a mitjan novembre de 2025.
- Publicació de la llista d’adjudicataris i d’espera: final de novembre de 2025.
- Acte d’adjudicació i signatures i incorporació a les parcel·les: durant el mes de desembre de 2025.
Useful links
Visit the farms in the urban allotments
Can Mestres and Can Cadena farmhouses have not only gardens but also a space with farm animals with the goal of allowing Barcelona residents to learn about farm living in a traditional Catalan farmhouse.
These farms are open to the public at weekends, and guided tours are occasionally held.