Conservation of protected wildlife
Barcelona City Council works to conserve and promote urban biodiversity and reduce the impact on protected wildlife of construction and maintenance projects and activities in public spaces.
Barcelona has a wide variety of birds nesting in the trees and bushes of the city's parks and buildings. They include species such as swifts, alpine swifts, swallows, kestrels, falcons, jackdaws and sparrows, which use urban infrastructure as artificial substitutes for natural cliffs. Many of these birds are protected by current legislation.
The city is also home to other groups of protected wildlife, such as squirrels, hedgehogs and all bat species, as well as some amphibians (midwife toads, Mediterranean tree frogs and Iberian green frogs) and reptiles (snakes, lizards and geckos). These species are also legally protected in accordance with Legislative Decree 2/2008 on the Animal Protection Act, Decree 172/2022 on the Catalogue of threatened native wildlife species and the Protection and Conservation Measures for protected native wildlife, Law 42/2007 on Natural Heritage and Biodiversity, and Article 334 of the Penal Code.
These legal documents establish that harming or disturbing these species, as well as destroying their breeding sites or refuges, may constitute a criminal offence or an administrative sanction.
Procedure for the conservation of protected wildlife in Barcelona
Before any action in public spaces, it is necessary to verify the possible presence of protected species of fauna to see if they could be affected.
In the case of birds, this includes checking their nests and nesting sites, which are also protected outside the breeding season, even if they are not occupied.
This is why there is a protected wildlife conservation procedure.
For further information
Barcelona City Council's book Architecture and urban fauna provides building construction professionals, developers, property owners' associations, property administrators and other interested parties with technical solutions to conserve the biodiversity associated with buildings.
The application of these measures may under no circumstances replace the obligation to obtain the required permits in accordance with the current legislation.
If you have any queries or require clarification, please contact the Government of Catalonia.
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