Espai Gardenyes
This is a community space measuring 1,050 m² . It is equipped with terraces for community crops, crop tables adapted for people with reduced mobility, a herb garden, structures for beneficial fauna, a zone with structures that provide shade and a community composter.
This is a meeting point focused on urban agriculture for the residents of Sarrià which revolves around urban allotments, bioconstruction workshops and a range of activities organised by local associations. Residents participate directly for residents.
ASSÍS Centre d'Acollida, Esplai Movi de Sarrià, Asociación Consumo Respeto, Associació Sant Joan de Déu de Sarrià, CFAS (Comissió Festes Alternatives de Sarrià), Castellers de Sarrià, Agrupament Escolta Sant Ignasi, CIC summer camp, VAIC and Centre d’Educació Especial l'Alba.