Jardí d’Antonia Vilàs community allotment
This is an allotment open to residents located on a small plot measuring 60 m² in the Jardins d’Antònia Vilàs in the Barceloneta neighbourhood. The area has six crop tables, vertical planters, two composters, a water basin, a small storage area and a glass noticeboard at the entrance.
This allotment is more geared towards education than production, given that workshops encouraging the reuse of materials are regularly held there. A ‘plant hospital’ has also been set up, where residents can leave plants they no longer want or cannot care for.
The committee in charge of the allotment works like an assembly and holds monthly meetings to decide on the crops each season and organise watering rounds and other activities. The work sessions are held Saturday mornings.
Petits Maians, La Fàbrica del Sol and Centre Cívic Barceloneta