Waste collection using mobile platforms in the Bon Pastor neighbourhood
The Bon Pastor neighbourhood - more specifically, the area between Carrer del Foc Collet, Passeig d’Enric Sanchis, Carrer de Sant Adrià and Carrer de la Formiga - is the first area in Barcelona with a selective waste collection model based on the use of mobile platforms.
Every waste collection day, platforms with designated bins are installed in different neighbourhoods so that citizens can go and deposit their waste within the established time frames.
Thanks to the implementation of this pioneering selective waste collection system, space has been freed up in the streets due to the removal of the bins of the old collection system. It has also brought the collection areas closer to people's homes, improving convenience within the neighbourhood.

Household waste collection
Every day that waste collection takes place, mobile selective collection platforms are installed in 4 different locations in the neighbourhood in 2 different time slots (morning and afternoon). At pre-determined times, the residents of the neighbourhood can go to deposit their waste, which they will have separated beforehand at home into the different categories.
The times and locations of the different mobile platforms are listed below:
- Mornings: from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. Carrer de la Formiga, Carrer de Sant Adrià, Carrer d’Enric Sanchis and Carrer de la Mare Eterna.
- Evenings: from 6 p.m. to 11 p.m. Carrer de la Formiga, Carrer de Sant Adrià, Carrer d’Enric Sanchis and Carrer d’Estadella.
In order to dispose of waste properly, neighbours must also follow a set calendar. Therefore, only waste from certain categories - such as organic waste and sanitary material - can be brought on a daily basis. The other types of waste (packaging, paper and cardboard, glass and general waste) can only be left on certain days.
The waste category deposit calendar is provided below:

Commercial collections
All businesses in the Bon Pastor neighbourhood that are based in the area where the mobile platform selective waste collection model is implemented must make use of this system.
On each of these platforms, organic and general waste are collected on a daily basis, while paper and cardboard are collected 3 days a week. The other types of waste (packaging, glass and sanitary material) are collected on the same days as household waste.
Please refer to the waste collection regulations for businesses and economic activities in the Commercial Waste Collection section.

How should we separate our waste?
The following can be deposited in these bins:
Food waste, egg and nut shells, corks, tea bags, coffee grounds, dirty kitchen paper and napkins, garden waste, etc.
The following can NOT be deposited in these bins:
Dust and hair, which go in the general waste bins. Nappies and animal faeces can also be placed in the bag for general waste, but we recommend placing them in a black bag labelled "Sanitary Waste". Paper and cardboard should not be placed in these bins, either. Remember the collection days for each category of waste.
The following can be deposited in these bins:
water bottles, plastic bags, drinks cans, bottle tops and jar lids, tin foil, polystyrene trays, plastic plates and cups, small steel wires, drawing pins, etc.
The following can NOT be deposited in these bins:
Packaging and materials made from cardboard or glass.
The following can be deposited in these bins:
Cardboard boxes and packaging, newspapers, magazines, notebooks (without the metal spiral), envelopes, paper bags, leaflets, wrapping paper, etc.
The following can NOT be deposited in these bins:
Laminated paper or plastic-coated paper cartons.
The following can be deposited in these bins:
Glass bottles and jars, without caps or lids.
The following can NOT be deposited in these bins:
Broken glasses, panes of glass, mirrors, broken ceramic items, plates, light bulbs, fluorescent bulbs, etc.
The following can be deposited in these bins:
Cigarette butts, dust, used pencils, hair, etc. Nappies and animal faeces can also be placed in the rubbish bag, but we recommend placing them in a black bag labelled "Sanitary Waste".
The following can be deposited in these bins:
Nappies, sanitary pads and faeces. Pet litter can also be placed in these bins.