Nature Plan (2021-2030)

Horts urbans vista aèria
Noi fent esport
Superilla Sant Antoni
Eix verd de Cristobal de Moura
Park Güell vista aèria
Horts urbans vista aèria
Noi fent esport
Superilla Sant Antoni
Eix verd de Cristobal de Moura
Park Güell vista aèria

The Barcelona Nature Plan 2030 is a strategic participatory tool that encapsulates the vision of the city of 2050, a city with functional, environmentally friendly infrastructure, well-distributed and accessible green spaces connected to the urban fabric and a green metropolitan transport network, with a view to maximising social and environmental services, above all those related with health and with adaptations to climate change. This urban network is to be valued and preserved as part of the natural heritage of the Earth, and as a benefit for the people, for generations both present and future who can enjoy the connection with nature and get involved in the creation of green space and the conservation and enhancement of biodiversity.

The Nature Plan’s general goals are as follows:

  • To increase the city’s green infrastructure and thereby maximise its services, above all those concerned with the adaptation to climate change, and improve the access of all citizens to urban nature.
  • To develop and consolidate ecological management and naturalisation in nature management, to benefit public health and support the conservation of biodiversity on the Earth.
  • To conserve and promote biodiversity, protecting species and improving their habitats and connectivity.
  • To develop knowledge, enjoyment and care of urban nature and to facilitate and promote citizen involvement in its conservation and improvement.

To achieve the above-mentioned goals, the Barcelona Nature Plan envisages:

  • Increasing the area by 160 hectares between 2015 and 2030, to comply with the 2015 Climate Commitment: 1 m2 more green space per resident.
  • Increasing the naturalised area by 100 hectares.
  • Creating 10 biodiversity shelters.
  • Doubling the number of participants in nature activities.
  • 40 new projects under the “Get Green” programme.

The Barcelona Nature Plan for 2021-2030 is structured into three core areas and two cross-cutting ones, and encompasses a total of twenty actions and one hundred projects. Ten priority or lead projects will be implemented in the initial Action Programme for 2021-2025.


See document


+100 ha

naturalised area

+10 biodiversity



participants in nature activities