Door-to-door collection in Sant Andreu de Palomar
- All waste types are collected on a door-to-door basis except for glass, which must continue to be placed in street bins designated for this material.
- There are two different waste collection calendars. One is for households and small businesses in the northern area, and another is for those in the southern areas.
- There is also a commercial calendar, in which collections take place on a more frequent basis.
- There is also a roving vehicle which collects sanitary materials as well as other waste on an emergency basis.
- A web app has been created for the door-to-door system, enabling users to have all the information at hand. It also enables them to monitor their own participation in the scheme.
The implementation and communication campaign of the new waste collection model in Sant Andreu de Palomar has been financed by the European Union and the Government of Spain, with European Next Generation funds and within the framework of the Plan for recovery, transformation and Spanish resilience.
Household waste collection
Sant Andreu de Palomar’s selective door-to-door waste collection system is implemented every day following an established calendar and timetable.
The neighbourhood is divided into the northern area and the southern area. Each area has its own calendar. In both calendars there are four collection days: three days when two types of waste are collected at the same time, and Thursdays, when general waste is collected. This means that no rubbish is left in the streets on three days a week.
Fase 1 | Fase 2 | Fase 1 | Fase 2 | |||
Com treure els residus
Els residus s’han de deixar davant del portal entre les 20 i les 22 hores seguint el calendari de recollida.
Cada fracció s’ha de treure ben separada i seguint les indicacions següents:
On buildings with more than 20 homes, organic waste must be deposited in community organic mailboxes with access control; on buildings with less than 20 homes and single-family homes, organic waste must be disposed of in smart containers.
Es pot utilitzar qualsevol bossa, sempre que sigui compostable.
El cubell airejat que s’entrega amb el kit és per dipositar-hi els residus a la cuina i evitar la mala olor i els lixiviats.
Els reciclables són la fracció dels envasos ampliada. Hi pots dipositar, a més, qualsevol element de plàstic o metall. Consulta l’apartat Com hem de separar els residus. Els reciclables s’han de treure amb les bosses homologades de color groc que s’han lliurat amb el kit.
El rebuig, és a dir, tot allò que no es pot reciclar, s’ha d’aportar amb les bosses homologades de color gris.
El paper i el cartró s’han d’aportar a granel, dins una bossa o caixa de cartró, o bé amb bujol comunitari, mai en bossa de plàstic.
Si a la vostra comunitat no en disposeu i voleu sol·licitar un bujol comunitari, adreceu-vos a l’Oficina del Porta a Porta.
El vidre s’ha de seguir dipositant als contenidors del carrer, com sempre sense taps ni xapes i mai en bossa de plàstic.
Si necessites aportar residus d'higiene íntima pots fer ús de la bústia per a residus d'higiene íntima que tinguis assignada. Per sol·licitar la teva clau d’accés, adreça't a l’Oficina del Porta a Porta.
El cubell d’orgànica, les bosses de reciclables i les de rebuig porten un codi. La informació que facilita aquest codi només té efectes com a eina estadística i en cap moment es recullen dades personals de la ciutadania. En recollir els residus, es registra la lectura del codi i es comptabilitza com una participació. Es pot consultar la participació a la Web App del porta a porta. Consulta l’apartat La Web App del porta a porta
Recollida comercial
La recollida comercial té un sol calendari de recollida, amb més freqüència, per a totes les fraccions. Ambdós sectors, per tant, comparteixen calendari.
Els petits comerços han de seguir el calendari de recollida domèstica. Si ets un petit comerç i necessites alguna recollida addicional d’alguna de les fraccions, posa’t en contacte amb el servei del porta a porta comercial al 658.54.00.19 o adreça’t a l’Oficina del Porta a Porta.
Materials d’aportació
Pel que fa a les activitats econòmiques, es lliuren els materials d’aportació necessaris en cada cas en funció de les necessitats.
Atenció a establiments comercials
Per a qualsevol dubte o incidència, tens un tècnic específic a la teva disposició, amb qui et pots posar en contacte al 658.54.00.19.
Consulteu la Normativa de recollida de residus per a comerços i activitats econòmiques a l’apartat Recollida Comercial.
Emergency collection
If you need to deposit waste from any of the fractions because you are going on holiday or you find yourself in an exceptional situation, you can make use of the emergency door-to-door vehicle.
Timetables and locations
The emergency vehicle makes a daily stop of 3 hours (Monday to Saturday) in the Plaça de les Palmeres, in the morning or afternoon shift. Remember that you will have to identify yourself to bring your waste.
Monday, Wednesday and Saturday from 7.30 am to 10.30 am.
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday from 5.00 pm to 8.00 pm.
When the year has two public holidays in succession, local residents will not be left without this service for more than one day.
As for 2023, emergency collections will have services on the following public holidays:
- 10 April (Easter Monday)
- 1 May (Labour Day)
- 5 June
- 24 June (St John’s / Midsummer Eve)
- 11 September (Catalan National Day)
- 25 September
- 25 December (Christmas Day)
How do I separate the waste?
The following can be deposited in these bins:
Food waste, egg and nut shells, corks, tea bags, coffee grounds, dirty kitchen paper and napkins, garden waste, etc.
The following can NOT be deposited in these bins:
Dust and hair, which go in the general waste bins. Nappies and animal faeces can also be placed in the bag for general waste, but we recommend placing them in a black bag labelled "Sanitary Waste". Paper and cardboard should not be placed in these bins, either.
The following can be deposited in these bins:
Plastic bottles and bags, yoghurt pots, drinks cans, plastic-coated paper cartons, metal sheets, tin foil, cling film, polystyrene trays, plastic plates and cups, drawing pins, small metal buckets, paper clips, small metal cables, small pots and pans, cutlery, etc.
The following can NOT be deposited in these bins:
Packaging and materials made from cardboard or glass..
The following can be deposited in these bins:
Cardboard boxes and packaging, newspapers, magazines, notebooks (without the metal spiral), envelopes, paper bags, leaflets, wrapping paper, etc.
The following can NOT be deposited in these bins:
Laminated paper or plastic-coated paper cartons.
The following can be deposited in these bins:
Glass bottles and jars, without caps or lids.
The following can NOT be deposited in these bins:
Broken glasses, panes of glass, mirrors, broken ceramic items, plates, light bulbs, fluorescent bulbs, etc.
The following can be deposited in these bins:
Cigarette butts, dust, used pencils, hair, etc.
The following can be deposited in these bins:
Nappies, sanitary pads and faeces. Pet litter can also be placed in these bins.
Door-to-door office
You will find us at:
Espai Josep Bota, Recinte Fabra i Coats
C/ Sant Adrià, 20
Monday to Saturday, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. and Tuesday and Thursday from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.
*Sundays and holidays, closed.
Information helpline
(+34) 658 54 08 45
Persones nouvingudes
Una vegada les persones nouvingudes a Sant Andreu de Palomar constin al padró del barri, poden recollir el kit de recollida de residus a l'Oficina del Porta a Porta ubicada a l’Espai Josep Bota, Recinte Fabra i Coats, carrer Sant Adrià, 20 on es facilitarà el material següent:
- Un cubell de color marró airejat de 10 litres per separar els residus orgànics a la cuina.
- Un paquet de bosses compostables per a la matèria orgànica.
- Un paquet de bosses translúcides de color groc per als residus dels reciclables.
- Un paquet de bosses translúcides de color gris per als residus del rebuig.
- Una guia informativa.
- Un imant de nevera amb el calendari i el funcionament del sistema de recollida selectiva porta a porta de Sant Andreu de Palomar.
A més, no oblidis portar el teu número de contracte de l'aigua, que trobaràs escrit a la pòlissa o rebut de la factura, per poder accedir a la bonificació en la taxa dels residus.
Door-to-door web app
This digital tool is a project promoted by Barcelona City Council to manage door-to-door collection of waste in Sant Andreu de Palomar. It promotes shared responsibility and transparency in the door-to-door collection of waste.
Register and log in
You can access the web app at
Follow these steps to register:
- On the start screen, click NEW USER
- Fill in the registration details
- Check your emails and validate your registration. If you haven't received the validation email, check to see if it has found its way into your spam folder.
- Once you have validated your registration, go back to the app and enter your REGISTRATION CODE. This code was sent to you by email or SMS on the day the door-to-door kit was delivered.
What will you find there?
From the main menu you can access all the information about the service, the door-to-door calendar and your participation details, amongst other things.
Top bar: Access to the household or shop profile
- Access to details about the households or establishments linked to the profile
- Link new households and shops
- Personalise the name and avatar for the household or establishment
- Edit profile details
- Log out
Central menu: access to all sections
- Information about the neighbourhood’s waste collection model
- Door-to-door calendar
- Contact the door-to-door office
- Information about the neighbourhood's Green Points
- Identifying sanitary material and emergencies
- Access details about your household/business’ participation in the door-to-door scheme
Les preguntes freqüents del porta a porta a Sant Andreu de Palomar.
The Zero Waste strategy in Sant Andreu de Palomar
In 2021, a door-to-door waste collection model was introduced in the Sant Andreu de Palomar neighbourhood, specifically in the area between Carrer Agustí and Milà, Carrer del Segre, Carrer Dublin, Carrer de Rovira i Virgili and Avinguda Meridiana.
This shift in waste collection model is down to Barcelona’s commitment to defining a strategy for tackling the climate crisis in a cross-cutting manner. This action plan entails, amongst other things, a shift to a consumption and waste model founded on shared responsibility.
It has been shown that there is a ceiling to the open bin street collection system and that, in order to improve selective collection results, it is necessary to implement individualised models that allow us to monitor participation and to reward those who separate their waste correctly. The door-to-door model is one of the systems that, for the time being, gives the best results and can be better adapted to the characteristics of each neighbourhood.