The annual meeting of the Time Agreement is back with a debate on the impact of time use on individual and collective health
18/11/2024 - 12:22
Time Use. The meeting is planned as a day of reflection on time use from a health perspective. It will include a round table of experts and be complemented by the presentation of good practices by some member entities.
Faced with male violence towards women, you’re not alone
11/11/2024 - 12:48
Feminism and women. Barcelona has an extensive network of services to address any case of gender violence.
The Barcelona Declaration on Time Policies, the global agreement to guarantee the right to time for citizens, has been updated
11/11/2024 - 13:06
Time Use. 200 world-leading organizations in time policies, including the Barcelona City Council, update their commitment and the new work plan of the Barcelona Declaration.
Taller familiar 'Exercicis de recuperació postpart'
- When:
- Del 07/10/2024 al 10/12/2024
- Where:
- Centre Cívic Cotxeres de Sants
- Carrer de Sants 79*83 (Sants-Montjuïc)
- 932918701
Arts escèniques: Espectacle teatre "La tía Sapiña"
- When:
- 04/12/2024
- Where:
- Centre Cultural Albareda
- Carrer d'Albareda 22*24 (Sants-Montjuïc)
- 934433719
Trobada de Dones 'Festa de Nadal'
- When:
- 19/12/2024
- Where:
- Centre Cívic Torre Llobeta
- Carrer de Santa Fe 2*LB (Nou Barris)
- 93 358 56 14
Activities search engine
One out of every five women worldwide have suffered sexual abuse as a child.
WHO Global status report on violence prevention 2014.
One out of every three women have suffered physical or sexual violence from their partners at some point in their lives.
WHO Global status report on violence prevention 2014.
In Catalonia, 51.3% of women have suffered gender violence (excluding comments, sexual gestures and exhibitionism) in the course of their lives.
Department of the Interior, Generalitat of Catalonia.
62 million European women have been victims of gender violence during their lives.
European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, 2014