Isabel Vila allotment

District: 10 Sant Martí
Neighborhood: El Parc i la Llacuna del Poblenou
Address: Almogàvers, 207 (Isabel Vila Square)
Description of the area:

This is an allotment in Plaça d’Isabel Vila, within the Poblenou Superblock, with 23 high parterres scattered around the plot’s 440 m² of land. The space also has a horticulture library, a seed bank and a composting area.

Further information

Managing organisation: Col·lectiu Superilla Poblenou
Description of the organisation:

The allotment is located very centrally and is protected within the Poblenou Superblock. Different members of the Col·lectiu Superilla Poblenou live in this same block. The organisation’s structure and proximity are harnessed, as well as synergies between the urban allotments values and the values of Superblock P9. The group supports this community allotment project to foster the values of care for the neighbourhood and the city in order to make it more social and healthy.

The space is open for use by residents of both the superblock and Poblenou in general.

Partner organisations:

Centre Ocupacional Bogatell
