8 March - International Women's Day

2024 Campaign
The slogan for the 2024 campaign was “breaking the glass ceiling”, emphasising the vertical segregation that women still suffer today, hampering their access to positions of responsibility and decision-making.

2023 Campaign
The 2023 campaign has placed the focus on the feminist memory. The stations on the Barcelona’s metro network and the FGC urban stops have symbolically adopted names of women who have left their mark on the city.

2022 Campaign
The 2022 campaign placed the focus on women’s everyday struggles, the promotion of feminist policies every day of the year and the feminist economy as a response to increased precariousness, worsened by the health crisis.

2021 Campaign
In 2021 the emphasis was on a diverse and unstoppable collective wave of women of different origins and ideologies, sharing the struggle against inequalities. The campaign highlighted women from all periods who have made a stand and who continue to fight for real effective equality.

2020 Campaign
2020 saw the organisation of a series of activities under the slogan L’ecofeminisme és la resposta [“Ecofeminism is the answer”] urgently calling for a profound social transformation to put life in all its forms firmly centre stage.

2019 Campaign
The 2019 campaign commemorated the strike of March 1912, known as the ‘Bread and Roses’ strike, staged by female workers at a textile factory in Lawrence, Massachusetts (bread representing the struggle for better wages, and roses the struggle for better living conditions).

2018 Campaign. 2018 Campaign . Open in a new window
2018 saw tribute paid to women's struggle for equal participation in society and their full development as individuals.

2017 Campaign [Es]. 2017 Campaign [Es] . Open in a new window
The emphasis in 2017 was on eliminating discrimination and inequalities on the grounds of gender, especially in the area of culture, to help move towards the full citizenship, independence and freedom of women.
25 November - International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

2024 Campaign
For the 2024 campaign we wanted to draw attention to types of violence perpetrated over and over again in public spaces, and raise awareness of support services for women in the city of Barcelona. Because in Barcelona, you are not alone.

2023 Campaign
In 2023, various data were shown that reflect the extent of violence against women, in order to demand that we focus on making a difference to those who need to stop being just a figure.

2022 Campaign
The focus for the 2022 campaign was the shared struggle to put an end to all types of male violence towards women, and to issue an institutional call to all stakeholders in the city to join forces and eradicate such violence from our society.

2021 Campaign
Adopting the slogan “Apaguem el masclisme, no el deixem créixer” [Let’s stamp out sexism, let’s not let it grow], the 2021 campaign was a call on men in particular and for the need to work together to eliminate gender violence.
2020 Campaign
The 2020 campaign focused on the fight against gender-based violence on social networks, and called for the construction of free, safe, empowering digital sisterhoods.

2019 Campaign
Under the slogan “#ElPresentésFeminista” [The Present is Feminist] the 2019 campaign focused on the Barcelona of today, a city that fights back, where everyone fights together, a city that reinvents itself and that rejects and challenges all forms of male chauvinism.
2018 Campaign
With the slogan El futur no és masclista [“The future is not sexist”], the 2018 campaign against male violence took a different approach to that of previous years, seeking a narrative of freedom aimed at a young public, with an optimistic, positive view of a future in which the city of Barcelona is committed to a free society.
2017 Campaign
Using the slogan Davant la violència masclista, no et pots girar d’esquena [“You can’t turn your back on gender violence”], the 2017 campaign against -based violence went further than condemnation, with a collective commitment to take action against all forms of gender violence.
2016 Campaign
Under the slogan Ni mitja. No en deixem passar ni mitja [“Don’t give them even half a chance”], the 2016 campaign against gender violence publicly expressed a resounding rejection of any form of violence, however small and insignificant it might seem.
2015 Campaign
With the slogan Som una ciutat que rebutja la violència masclista [“We are a city that rejects gender violence”], the 2015 campaign highlighted the collective rejection of gender-based violence.