
Audiobooks in mp3 format for users of the libraries of Barcelona Biblioteques de Barcelona makes available to all users with library card the service of download audiobooks, in order to facilitate and improve access to reading.

The audiobooks are spoken books, with the full version of the original work. They are read aloud by announcers and professional narrators in one voice recordings, without background music.

The catalogue is made up of classic and present-day works, in Catalan and Spanish, which are grouped into categories: short stories, novels, essays, self-help and young-adult.

To access to the download service you need to dispose the library card to enter the card number and password.In case you don't have a card library, you can apply to the nearest library.

When you have identified, you access a private area where there are the links and instructions for downloading the books selected in mp3. Each user can have access to two download of each title in case is any problem in the first download.

Biblioteques de Barcelona also offer a selection of audiobooks for loan on CD audio and on digital at platform Biblio Digital .