
Online reservations:


Reservations of any document can be made, and must be collected at the library that owns the documents

You will need to search the catalogue for the item and click the "Reserve item on loan" link, (...).

Telephone and email reservations:

You may make reservations for any items, available or out on loan, and arrange to collect it at the library it is kept at.

Users may reserve an item by phoning or sending an email to the corresponding library.

Reservations will be confirmed as soon as possible, and via the same medium they were made through, unless the user states otherwise, and within 48 hours by the latest, excluding weekends and public holidays.

Users are advised to identify themselves with their library card number, to make full use of the service.

Reservations will be kept at the library for 7 days, counting from the date on which the reservation confirmation was sent.

Users can authorize another person to collect the reserved documents, which must be identified and must present the card of the user who made the reservation.