
What do we accept?

A library accept books and other items in good condition that have something to do with:

· its local collection

· its specialist collection or centre of interest

What should you do beforehand?

· If you're donating more than 10 items, you should make a list and take it to the library (giving the titles, authors, publishers and years of publication)

· Remember that any accepted will become the property of the library

· In the case of special donations (number of items, significance of the donor) the person or organisation making the donation must make an appearance in which the aim, conditions and destination of the donation is established.

Please contact us before you bring your books over directly

When should you bring books to the library?

· Once the library has approved the donation, a day will be arranged for its delivery

District and neighbourhood waste and recycling centres
Entitled "El racó dels llibres" (The book corner), some district and neighbourhood waste and recycling centres provide a space for passing on books to other users. Check the services of your nearest recycling centre.
Tel.: 900 226 226

Other centres that accept donations

You are advised to contact them before you make any donation

Associació Llibres Lliures
They do not accept encyclopedias or textbooks
Cantàbria, 72
Tel.: 93 533 09 15

Raval Children's Centre
School text books (none more than two years old)
Junta de Comerç, 16
Tel.: 933 170 013

Fundació Engrunes
They do not accept encyclopedias or textbooks
Mallorca, 467. Tel.: 93 347 46 69
Pol. Ind. Coll de Montcada. Roca Plana, 14-16. Montcada i Reixac  Tel.: 93 582 99 99

Gremi de Llibreters de Vell de Catalunya

Llibre Solidari
They do not accept encyclopedias,  dictionaries or textbooks
Tel.: 692525354 / 933308743